Linus Pauling was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. He is the only person who has received both of these awards. After a distinguished career in science he devoted his life to other pursuits including bringing scientific information about the science of nutrition to the public in an attempt to make a positive impact in the field of health as well.
He authored the book How To Live Longer and Feel Better which was published in 1986.
In the introduction to the book he writes, “this book discusses some simple and inexpensive measures that you can take to lead a better and longer life…When I discovered that the new developments in the field of nutrition were being ignored I became so interested that for twenty years most of my effort has been devoted to research and education in this field. I have been fortunate in this work to have the collaboration of many able scientific and medical investigators in Stanford University and the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine”.
Strating in Chapter 1 he continues with his advocacy of using Vitamin C for optimal health, telling his readers, “…not to miss a single day”. He had previously authored the book Vitamin C and The Common Cold
which created quite a stir when it was published in 1970 and is credited with the now common advice people have heard about taking Vitamin C to help ward off and treat viral conditions such as the “common cold”. He discusses the difference between the amount of a vitamin which has been labeled as the “recommended daily dose” as per government guidelines, and what is likely much better advice to take more which may have a more beneficial effect on one’s health. He states that he advises a minimum of 1,000mg per day and for many people as well as for himself, much more than that. He references the work of Irwin Stone, a scientist who authored the book The Healing Factor-Vitamin C Against Disease
Pauling discusses the work presented in that book and others, which explores the question of what might be the ideal amount for a person to take for their best, optimal health status. He reviews the science behind the search for the answer. First, considering that unlike humans most animals body’s naturally produce their own vitamin C, perhaps the amount their bodies make naturally might give us a clue as to what amount might be a good amount for humans to have on a daily basis for their best health. What about the few animals who, like humans, don’t make their own vitamin C ? They have to ingest it in their diet just as people do. Perhaps the choices they are naturally disposed to eat in the wild tells us how much Vitamin C nature is telling them to ingest to ensure their own survival. It is fascinating that that the amount that seems to be optimal are in a similar range to the amount which is naturally produced by animals whose bodies make their own Vitamin C. In both cases it is important to note that the larger the animal the more vitamin C either makes internally or eats in their diets.
Primates like gorillas can’t make their own vitamin C. When we analyze the plants they eat on a daily basis it would appear that they seek out as much as 4,500 mg/day. A number of different animals who produce their Vitamin C naturally have had their Vitamin C production measured. They analyzed this production by goat,cow, sheep, rabbits,cats,dogs and others. They consistently make several thousand mg of Vitamin C per day, depending upon their size. Linus Pauling states that after analyzing all of the information available, “I conclude that the optimal daily intake of ascorbic acid for most adult human beings lies in the range of 2,300mg -10,000 mg day.” Right after Dr Pauiling presents this opinion he goes on to say that Vitamin C has been found to be very safe. He says, “ascorbic acid is not a dangerous substance. It is described in the medical literature as “virtually non-toxic”. He also states that “human beings themselves have taken 10,000-20,000mg per day for twenty five years with no development of kidney stones or other side effects, quoting the book by the medical pioneer in the use of Vitamin C, Fred Klenner M.D.
Along with discussing oral supplementation for people, Dr Pauling also makes reference to the use of vitamin C in higher amounts when given
by medical professionals as described by Dr. Klenner. He presents some of the scientific work outlining the use of Intravenous Vitamin C which may be done for a wide variety of health problems.
Vitamin C has been shown to be very effective for many common bacterial and viral conditions. There have been many published studies over the years with regard to its use in shingles, herpes virus, mononucleosis, influenza, the common cold, viral pneumonia, and others. Dr. Thomas Levy, MD in his book Vitamin C Infectious Diseases and Toxins-the Ultimate Antidote says, “Vitamin C is undoubtedly the ideal agent for treating virtually any viral infection.”
Alan Gaby, MD past president of the American Holistic Medical Association wrote, “while the value of nutritional therapies are becoming more accepted in mainstream medicine, many doctors are still unaware of the dramatic, almost unbelievable results that can be obtained by administering vitamins and minerals intravenously.” Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia have found marked improvements after three or four weekly injections followed by maintenance treatments every two to four weeks.”
For patients with autoimmune diseases IV therapy can be an effective tool for managing chronic inflammation. Because the nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, they can be more effective in reducing inflammation and managing symptoms. IV therapy’s effects on white blood cell function can also help to boost the immune system, increase energy, and improve overall health and well-being.
Lead poisoning is generally encountered as a buildup of lead in the body after chronic low level exposure. Lead is reliably removed from the body by EDTA Chelation therapy as explained on this website . The term chelation comes from the Greek “chele” which means claw-The EDTA grasps metals biochemically, as a claw-like binding of the EDTA to the metal. The EDTA-metal complex then travels through the bloodstream, and is excreted in the urine, lowering the body’s level of that metal. It is administered utilizing an IV bag with other nutrients including B vitamins, Magnesium, and Vitamin C given together and infused at the same time. Vitamin C also combats the harmful effects of the lead that is present in the body.
In his book Dr Thomas Levy states “early investigators established that Vitamin C was highly clinically protective against the toxicity of mercury”. He explains the difference between excretion and removal of mercury, versus interfering with and protecting against its negative effects. Vitamin C by itself is not a major chelating substance which can be relied upon to significantly remove excess mercury from the body, but it protects against mercury’s toxicity by turning certain mercury containing compounds in the body into a more benign form.
Vitamin C can counter the effects of arsenic poisoning. Clinical observations were published many decades ago Dainow(1935) Desensitizing Action of Vitamin C. Bundesen (1941) The Detoxifying Action of Vitamin C in Arsenical therapy.
There is a protective effect of Vitamin C on cadmium toxicity. Research published by Kadrabova (1992) showed that Vitamin C was effective in preventing the accumulation of cadmium in the brain, heart and testes. Experientia 48(10):989-991
Exposure to aluminum can come through drinking water, aluminum containers and cookware, and antiperspirants.
Vitamin C promotes the elimination of aluminum from the body as well as countering its toxic effects.
The Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa has just published a scientific study in the scientific journal Redox Biology with the title High-dose IV vitamin C plus chemotherapy doubles survival in advanced pancreatic cancer.
In this new study the participants were patients receiving chemotherapy under the care of oncologists during the study. They were given Intravenous Vitamin C at a dose of 75 grams of Vitamin C as an adjunctive treatment, administered 3 times per week. Compared to patients with similar stage pancreatic cancer who had not received the IV Vitamin C , those who received it not only lived longer, but it also extended the time during which the disease did not progress.