High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C

High dose IV Vitamin C may become recognized as a new breakthrough in Holistic Cancer Treatment as well in general medical care.

High-dose vitamin C added to chemotherapy benefits cancer patients, new research says

The  Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa has just published a scientific study in the journal Redox Biology that showed that pancreatic cancer patients. who had late stage metastatic disease and received  Intravenous Vitamin C had their survival time increased from eight months to 16 months. The title of their just published research is IV Vitamin C Doubles Pancreatic Cancer Patient Survival Time   https://apple.news/A3ZnXNHDHRkCIdEnky8PMRA

Intravenous administration of Vitamin C achieves higher concentrations in the bloodstream than is possible when it is taken by mouth.

It has been well documented that High Dose vitamin C can help many conditions and has been a mainstay of Integrative/ Holistic Medicine for years: https://drsobo.com/iv-vitamin-c-therapy/

In this new study the participants were patients receiving chemotherapy under the care of oncologists during the time of the study. They were also given Intravenous Vitamin C at a dose of 75 grams of Vitamin C administered 3 times per week. Compared to patients with similar stage pancreatic cancer who had not received the IV Vitamin C , those who received it not only lived longer, but it also extended the time during which the disease did not progress. 

 Vitamin C’s antioxidant activity is what is generally regarded as the underlying mechanism which gives it its health benefits. However, Vitamin C can act as a prooxidant when you administer it in high doses given intravenously. As explained by Dr Cullen in the University of Iowa study referenced above, its pro-oxidant effect is what is needed for it to produce its cancer killing effects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15917185/

After testing Vitamin C in the lab, researchers at the University of Iowa found that using vitamin C in high doses “worked great” in killing cancer cells.

Dr Cullen explains that, “we found that at these high doses, ascorbate [vitamin C] actually generates hydrogen peroxide. And the hydrogen peroxide is what kills the cancer cells.  Not only did it extend disease progression free time, and extend survival time, but the cancer patients who received vitamin C also tolerated their chemotherapy treatments with less side effects and felt generally better than those who did not receive the Vitamin C.”

Their study is the result of 20 years of research on vitamin C and its healing potential.

Long Term Safety- Ongoing treatments. Researcher Casciari (2001) studied the treatments given to cancer patients who were administered 50,000 mg (50 grams) of Intravenous Vitamin C daily for up to eight weeks. They found that blood chemistries and other blood parameters which were monitored revealed “no evidence of toxicity or side effects”. Australian researcher Kalikerinos (1982) wrote that in Australia alone some 100 physicians had been administering Intravenous vitamin C to their patients and that “in most cases the results have been spectacular- the only side effect is chronic good health”



Vitamin C has been shown to be very effective for many common bacterial and viral conditions. There have been many published studies over the years with regard to its use in mononucleosis, shingles, herpes virus, the common cold, viral pneumonia, influenza and others. Dr. Thomas Levy, MD in his book Vitamin C Infectious Diseases and Toxins-the Ultimate Antidote says, “Vitamin C is undoubtedly the ideal agent for treating virtually any viral infection.”

A pioneer year ahead of his time using Intravenous Vitamin C treatments was Fred Klenner, MD who published extensively in the 1950s.

In 1959 he published a book entitled, The Key To Good Health- Vitamin C. In this book he documented the cases of patients he personally treated who were diagnosed with a wide variety of infectious diseases some of which were common decades ago and are not seen often in recent times. One such condition was polio. Polio is caused by a virus and was a greatly feared condition which would cause paralysis as was the case for president Franklin D. Roosevelt. Now because of the polio vaccine this condition is no longer seen by medical doctors, but at that time Dr Klenner reported successes with IV vitamin C. Whooping cough was another condition not seen often because of modern pediatric vaccination which he treated successfully. His book also has case studies for the many other infectious problems we currently need to treat such as shingles, the flu, and others from the common cold to pneumonia.


 Alan Gaby, MD past president of the American Holistic Medical Association wrote in Let’s Live magazine, “While the value of nutritional therapies are becoming more accepted in mainstream medicine, many doctors are still unaware of the dramatic, almost unbelievable results that can be obtained by administering vitamins and minerals intravenously.” Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia have found marked improvements after three or four weekly injections followed by maintenance treatments every two to four weeks.”


For patients with autoimmune diseases IV therapy can be an effective tool for managing chronic inflammation. Because the nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, they can be more effective in reducing inflammation and managing symptoms. IV therapy’s effects on white blood cell function can also help to boost the immune system, increase energy, and improve overall health and well-being. 

Other Conditions

DR Gaby wrote in Live Magazine, “I have given over 15,000 nutrient injections and have seen some remarkable results, (including with) attacks of acute asthma and migraine sufferers experiencing relief within a couple of minutes”.



Lead poisoning is generally encountered as a buildup of lead in the body after chronic low level exposure. Lead is reliably removed from the body by EDTA Chelation therapy as explained on this website https://drsobo.com/chelation-therapy/ . The term chelation comes from the Greek “chele” which means claw-The EDTA grasps metals biochemically, as a claw-like binding of the EDTA to the metal. The EDTA-metal complex then travels through the bloodstream, and is excreted in the urine, lowering the body’s level of that metal. It is administered utilizing an IV bag with other nutrients including B vitamins, Magnesium, and Vitamin C given together and infused at the same time. Vitamin C also combats the harmful effects of the lead that is present in the body.



In his book Dr Thomas Levy states “early investigators established that Vitamin C was highly clinically protective against the toxicity of mercury”. He explains the difference between excretion and removal of mercury, versus interfering with and protecting against its negative effects. Vitamin C by itself is not a major chelating substance which can be relied upon to significantly remove excess mercury from the body, but it protects against mercury’s toxicity by turning certain mercury containing compounds in the body into a more benign form. A number of scientific studies have documented this benefit using animals and tracking the biochemistry involved after Vitamin C administration in a laboratory setting.     



Vitamin C can counter the effects of arsenic poisoning. Clinical observations were published many decades ago Dainow(1935) Desensitizing Action of Vitamin C. Bundesen (1941) The Detoxifying Action of Vitamin C in Arsenical therapy.


There is a protective effect of Vitamin C on cadmium toxicity. Research published by Kadrabova (1992) showed that Vitamin C was effective in preventing the accumulation of cadmium in the brain, heart and testes. Experientia 48(10):989-991 



Exposure to aluminum can come through drinking water, aluminum containers and cookware, and antiperspirants.

Vitamin C promotes the elimination of aluminum from the body as well as countering its toxic effects.

Henry C. Sobo, M.D. is a medical doctor practicing in Stamford, CT. For more information about Dr. Sobo’s practice visit www.drsobo.com or call 203-348-8805. You can email your questions or comments to [email protected]

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