
The Secret to Sexual Wellness is Already in Your Body

Age is known for many things, including the hindrance it poses on your sexual wellness. Forget about the creams and pills that claim to work miracles. Regenerative medicine in the form of PRP is the only treatment you need, whether you are a man or woman, to feel young and heat things up between the sheets every time.

Known as the P-Shot® for men and the O-Shot® for women, these regenerative medicine treatments utilize the healing properties of the platelets in your blood to  improve your sexual health and performance. Here’s everything you need to know about these revolutionary treatments.

The Priapus “P-Shot®” For Men

The P-Shot® injects platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into specific areas of the penis in order to trigger regenerative healing. PRP is obtained when your own blood is spun through a centrifuge to concentrate and separate the platelets. Those potent platelets are added into a small amount of plasma to form a substance that can be injected back into the body.

PRP contains cells and growth factors that promote blood flow and enhanced sexual response. Growth factors immediately trigger and accelerate the body’s natural regenerative process. Within 8-12 weeks of your P-Shot® treatment, you can expect to enjoy the following results:

  • Increased circulation and blood flow
  • Stronger sexual sensations
  • Improved strength of erection and firmness
  • Increased sexual stamina
  • Possible increase to length and girth

How About the O-Shot® For Women?

The O-Shot® also harnesses the incredible properties of PRP in order to stimulate natural healing, but it delivers results that meet the needs of women. PRP is capable accelerating vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation to enhance sexual function for females. As PRP heals the tissue in those areas, women benefit from an increase in vaginal lubrication, less pain and discomfort during intercourse, increased arousal and libido, and stronger orgasms.

Both of these treatments are quick, simple, and easy to obtain from a qualified doctor. Just call (203) 348-8805 to make your appointment with Dr. Henry Sobo, a leading holistic doctor in Stamford, CT.  Dr. Sobo specializes in the use of PRP and regenerative medicine to improve the health and wellness of all of his patients.

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