From the Broda Barnes Research 3-Day Conference

Dr. Sobo has just attended the Broda Barnes Research Foundation’s Three day Annual Endocrinology Conference.

Ideas in the evaluation and treatment of hormonal disorders which were discussed are reviewed in this edition of our newsletter.

Three Common Problems Everyone Should Know About

  1. Andropause – The Male Menopause
  2. Underactive Thyroid- A Hidden Illness Not Uncovered By Commonly Done Blood Tests
  3. Hypoadrenalism: Underactive Adrenal Gland Function In Men And Women

Dr. Sobo has just attended the Broda Barnes Research Foundation’s Three day Annual Endocrinology Conference.

Ideas in the evaluation and treatment of hormonal disorders which were discussed are reviewed in this edition of our newsletter.

Three Common Problems Everyone Should Know About

  1. Andropause – The Male Menopause
  2. Underactive Thyroid- A Hidden Illness Not Uncovered By Commonly Done Blood Tests
  3. Hypoadrenalism: Underactive Adrenal Gland Function In Men And Women

1. ANDROPAUSE – The Male Menopause

The male hormone testosterone is an androgen, and the set of symptoms relating to declining hormones in men is called andropause. Although menopause in women is widely understood and treated by doctors, the corresponding syndrome in men tends to be overlooked and simply accepted as the effects of a man growing older. In women, the cessation of the menstrual cycle is a clear event which begins at the time of menopause. In men, there is no such clear event that starts “andropause,” and thus their problems are not treated.

Men Also Deserve Treatment for the Effects of their Aging!

As a man or the wife or significant other of a man suffering from some of these signs and symptoms understand that help is available.


Fatigue , depression, lack of motivation Submissive character, Irritability, excessive emotionality. Light sleep, excessive perspiration. muscle and joint weakness and pain. Decreased libido, weaker erections and ejaculations. Weakened or decreased orgasm.


Dry hair, dry skin, pale complexion, Soft, poorly developed muscles. Loss of muscle mass, flabby belly. Less beard and mustache growth than previously. Lack or decreased body hair on trunk , belly, arms, or legs. Loss of body odor.

2. Underactive Thyroid Gland

For years, physicians knowledgeable about subtle signs of a patient having a sluggish thyroid have been aware that many patients are denied thyroid treatment by their doctors who insist that –despite signs of thyroid deficiency — their blood tests were normal. With normal blood tests, the physician did not believe that an underactive thyroid was a correct diagnosis and would refuse to treat the patient with thyroid hormone.

Many physicians have successfully treated many patients over the years, even though their blood tests were not considered to have proved their need for thyroid hormone.

Recently, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has said that the interpretation of lab tests should be changed.

They now state that numbers which were previously considered normal should now be considered abnormal and that patients should be treated.

Thousands of people are affected by this change.

Unfortunately, it will probably take a long time for this to finally filter down to every-day medical practices. If you feel that this may be your situation, seek treatment from a doctor who understands this.

3. HYPOADRENALISM- Underactive Adrenal Gland Function

Conventionally in medicine, adrenal gland failure is called Addison’s disease and is well known. However, a more subtle decline in adrenal function often goes unrecognized. If you recognize the following in yourself or a loved one, help is easily available.

Hints in the patient’s history.

  • Onset of symptoms after a long period of stress, or a severely stressful event.
  • Driving himself/herself to “burn-out.”

Signs and Symptoms-

  • Difficulty getting up in the morning.
  • Often feeling better after food with a drop in energy afterward.
  • Tolerates sugars and/or carbohydrates poorly, although having cravings for sugars, salt, and/or fats.
  • Dizziness when arising from a lying position.
  • To get relief when tired, patient wants to lie down, not just sit down to feel better.
  •  Allergies.
  • Decreased concentration, memory, irritability, depression.


EDTA Chelation Study Featured in the New England Journal of Medicine

The January 23, 2003 issue of the nation’s most prestigious medical journal presented a landmark study showing that patients with kidney dysfunction benefited greatly by EDTA chelation therapy. The study patients had lead induced kidney dysfunction. Those who received chelation therapy in the study fared much better than the control group (the patients who did not receive chelation therapy) when measures of the declining kidney function were taken at the end of the study. The conclusion of the study gave great hope for delaying for years the need for renal dialysis in patients with kidney failure.

The conclusion of the study praised chelation therapy, but it is of interest to note that the fact that chelation therapy has been used by, integrative physicians for many years was never mentioned. The use of chelation therapy has helped many thousands of people throughout the country over many years and it is generally never recommended in conventional medical circles.

Other Research Reports:

Migraine Headaches Helped by Hydroxocobalamin!

Hydroxocobalamin is a form of Vitamin B12, which has been found to be superior to the use of the commonly available form of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) commonly found on store shelves. The study involved 20 subjects who had a history of 2­8 migraine attacks per month for greater than 1 year. After 3 months of treatment with hydroxocobalamin, the frequency of headaches was cut in half . The study was published in the medical journal Cephalalgia. For more details on hydroxocobalamin, select the Vitamin B12 hyperlink on the Supplements page at

Parkinson’s Disease Helped by CO Q10.

The medial journal Archives of Neurology, October 2002 reported a study showing that the decline of function in study patients receiving Coenzyme Q 10 was less over time than those who received placebo.

Being Overweight Increases your Risk of Cancer

A 16-year study has been completed and published by the American Cancer Society showing that excess weight imparts an elevated risk of getting a variety of cancers. This emphasizes that maintaining a proper weight is not just a cosmetic issue. For an overview of weight reduction methods we have used successfully with patients see the Weight Loss page at

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